Thursday, November 21, 2013

Critical Safe Equipment Operation & Maintenance Reminder From Aquafine UV

On November 13, we received a bulletin from Aquafine stating this precaution:  "This bulletin is a reminder of the potential risk of an unsafe condition arising due to sleeve bolt failure and quartz sleeve ejection if the unit is not properly maintained and/or safety guidelines are not followed. In order to ensure safe operation, it is essential that your personnel observe all the safety precautions set out in the O&M manual at all times".

"The sleeve bolts used on the SwiftBeverage, TrojanUVFit, TrojanUVLogic, TrojanUVPhox, TrojanUVSwiftSC and UVK 1000-30000 series of products can potentially fail, and should be inspected annually and replaced if a defect is noted."
Please locate the above listed UV systems in your facilities.  Have trained personnel inspect and replace parts as appropriate.
Additional Information:
Product Safety Bulletin AQ111313 from Aquafine
Critical Safe Equipment Reminder Letter
Need a trained technician to inspect your UV system

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