Wednesday, July 31, 2013

10 Questions to Answer Before You Specify Water Treatment Equipment

Many times per day, we are asked to provide a quote for a specific water treatment technology like RO, demineralization, water softening, filtration, etc.  At Res-Kem,  we like to take a step back and help you determine what equipment will cost effectively handle your water treatment issue.  Since there are so many choices and combinations of water treatment technologies, we will ask:
  1. What are the average, minimum, and peak flow rates you need from the water treatment system?
  2. Is the flow continuous or how many shifts do you operate during the day?
  3. Do you have or plan to have a tank after the water treatment system?
  4. What is the source of your water and do you have an untreated water analysis?
  5. What is the water used for and do you have a treated water specification?
  6. What are the required temperature and pressure of the treated water?
  7. What level of automation do you need, i.e. manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic?
  8. Are there any special requirements for the system?
  9. When do you need the quotation by?
  10. When do you need the system to be installed?
With these questions answered, we can offer a properly sized, cost effective solution to your water treatment problem with minimal maintenance.  

Additional Information:
Online water treatment equipment catalog
Printable questionnaire
For technical questions

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