Friday, April 12, 2013

Condensate Polisher Shipped to New Jersey University

Last week, Res-Kem shipped a condensate polisher to a New Jersey university.  This condensate polisher will be installed as part of a new onsite power production facility at the university operated by an independent energy development company.  They will produce power for the university under a DBOM (Design, Build, Operate, Maintain) agreement. Excess power produced gets sold to the PJM.

Dual, Skid Mounted Stainless Steel Condensate Polisher with Headers
An independent energy development company specializing in the development, engineering, construction, start up, commissioning, operation, maintenance and management, as well as, ownership of Central Energy Centers, Renewable Energy projects and Combined Heat, Chilling and Power  Production Facilities.
General water treatment application
Two large 48”X60” sodium cycle condensate polisher for removal of contaminants in the return condensate and the return condensate from the steam driven chillers on-site
Savings and/or ROI the customer wants to achieve
Fuel and chemical saving related to the removal of iron and calcium from the condensate streams and ultimately the boiler feedwater
Operating conditions
250 gpm max, 150 gpm continuous operating at 180F
System configuration
Twin parallel / Alternating system
Materials of construction
Skid mounted
304 SS pressure vessels
Schedule 10 welded /flanged face piping
Type of valves and actuators
Bray valves with Bray actuators
System Control
Allen Bradley PLC operates the system as alternating or parallel
System schematic
Polisher collectively handles two condensate streams – return condensate from campus and condensate from steam driven chillers
Special Features
Sample cooler mounted on skid which can sample the inlet and outlet of each vessel
Inlet and outlet headers between each system on skid

Additional Information:
Listing of Condensate Polishers Built by Res-Kem
Online Catalog of Res-Kem Condensate Polishing Equipment
Condensate Polisher Technical Bulletin
Condensate Polisher Application Checklist 
For Technical Help From a Res-Kem Sales and Application Engineer

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