Friday, January 25, 2013

Condensate Polishing System Shipped to University in Rhode Island

A condensate polisher was shipped last week to a university in Rhode island to treat their steam condensate to save energy, reduce water usage and reduce water treatment chemical usage.
Res-Kem Dual Tank Condensate Polishers Designed to Treat a Maximum of 300 gpm

What is the Res-Kem water treatment application?Sodium cycle condensate polishing to remove iron and hardness
What are the operating conditions?Flow: Maximum of 150 gpm/vessel
Pressure: 30-100 psi
Temperature: Maximum of 200F
What is the system configuration?Dual tank, parallel operation 30” in diameter tanks
What ion exchange resin was used?15 cubic feet of Purolite C-150 highly cross-linked macroporous cation exchange resin in each tank
Materials of construction?304 SS ASME code with a 100 psig design pressure
304 SS Hub and Lateral
Galvanized Schedule 40 Flanged and Threaded Face Piping
Type of Valves?AquaMatic High Temperature diaphragm valves

Additional Information:
Listing of Condensate Polishers Built by Res-Kem
Online Catalog of Res-Kem Condensate Polishing Equipment
Condensate Polisher Technical Bulletin
Condensate Polisher Application Checklist 
Purolite C-150 Technical Bulletin
For Technical Help From a Res-Kem Sales and Application Engineer

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