Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Q&A on Condensate Polishers with Res-Kem’s Kevin Preising

While dirty condensate clean-up can be an energy buster in most processing plants, one cost effective solution is to polish contaminated condensate for re-use. Condensate polishers use a simple ion exchange technology that is easy to operate, easy to maintain and economical to use – less make-up water is required which leads to lower chemical and energy consumption.

Here is a brief Q&A video with Res-Kem’s Process Engineer Kevin Preising that addresses some of the most common questions about Condensate Polishers. Kevin touches on the following points:
• The difference between sodium condensate polishers and water softeners
• The life expectancy of a condensate polisher
• What plant utility services are required for condensate polishers
• Why a sub-surface wash is important
• The advantage of using a sample cooler
• The type of instruments on a condensate polisher

Res-Kem Process Engineer Kevin Preising

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