Thursday, January 12, 2012

Elliptical Bolt & Yoke Manways

Res-Kem is a leading supplier of elliptical yoke and bolt manways for personnel access to pressure vessels. Res-Kem offers various sizes of these complete manhole assemblies or tank manhole covers, which can be used for industrial and commercial water treatment applications. They are the following:

·         11x15
·         12x16
·         14x18
·         18x24

Most of the manway requests we receive from callers are for replacement cover assemblies, or top assemblies. A top assembly consists of the following:   

·         cover  
·         (2) yokes
·         (2) nuts & bolts 
·         gasket
the top assembly of a manway

We can also provide complete manway assemblies, which include all of the above, and the tank-welding ring. Tank welding rings, which are known as the tank opening,  are 3/4" or 1" thick, with depths of 3", 4", 5" or 6". Typically, our customers specify the ring dimension. We can offer some assistance on the ring depth if we are given information on the tank shell diameter, and the thickness of either the shell or head.
a completed manway attached to its welding ring
When it comes to replacing an elliptical manway on an existing tank, the most important aspect is to provide the inside dimensions of the tank opening (which is the welding ring), so Res-Kem can properly quote the correct size cover. Measuring the depth of the opening will help us determine the correct length of the bolts that are needed. For example, if an opening measures 4" in depth, we will offer a bolt length 1" longer than the depth of the opening if the size of the manway is 11x15, 12x16, or 14x18. If the manway is an 18x24 size, we will offer a bolt length 2" longer than the depth.

The dimensions of the welding ring are required to replace an elliptical manway

We offer manways made of:
  • Carbon steel
  • 304 stainless steel
  • 316 stainless steel. 
The manways come standard with a neoprene gasket rated for a max temperature of 170 ° Fahrenheit, or we can provide gaskets rated for temperatures over 500 ° Fahrenheit.

If you are not sure what size manway you require, you can review our product bulletin for assistance, email Mike Polito, or call us at 800-323-1983.

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