Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Blogger Transition from FTP-Step #7

While everything looked fine at first, it turns out there was one more big problem we had in our transition from our own hosted blog using FTP with Blogger to a Blogger hosted blog. The numerous pictures we had in our old posts were not showing up in our Blogger hosted version. It turned out a step 7 required to make the final transition.

After searching Blogger Help and hunting around we found this paragraph at the bottom of the page:

"This situation may arise if you originally published your blog via FTP and then switched to using custom domain publishing. Images originally posted to your server do not get transferred over to Blogger when you do this, so you may want to move them all to a server such as and use that as your missing files host."

Blogger did not make this easy because I needed to make a new server, so I had to contact LinuxForce to help us one more time.

I think finally I am out of the woods on this transition! Now I can get back to my routine blogs on water treatment systems, news, innovation and technology.

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