Monday, September 21, 2009

Activated Carbon, Res-Kem and The Marketplace

Particle Size:
Carbon typically comes in 12 x 40 mesh (size of granule). 12 mesh is a particle size of 1.7 mm or 0.066 inches. 40 mesh is a particle size of 0.425 mm or .0016 inches. 98% of Res-Kem sales are 12 x 40.
Carbon must be acid washed to remove contaminants on the carbon. The contaminants removed are primarily metals like Iron which are soluble in acidic streams,

Types of carbon:
Coconut shell (80% of market place)
Bituminous coal (20% of market place)
The trend has changed to coconut because the manufacturing process is more efficient than coal because it does not contain as many contaminants. Depending upon the quality of the coal and where it is from, coal can naturally contains metals and heavy metals. If these contaminants are not removed at the factory, they can leach out into your water.

Carbon Quality:
The Iodine Number a test used to quantify the adsorption qualities of activated carbon. Generally, the higher the iodine number, the better the removal quality of activated carbon to remove contaminants in water.

Coconut = 1,000 and more Iodine number.
Coal = Anywhere between 800-1100 Iodine number.

The three major brands of activated carbon are:
Calgon with their Centaur brand activated carbon

Res-Kem offers through Calgon a carbon return program. After filling out a carbon acceptance form and approval, Calgon will take back carbon for reactivation or incineration.

Activated carbon is used in the industrial, municipal, commercial and residential markets. Carbon is used to remove chlorine, chloramine, taste, odor, and color from water.

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