Monday, December 08, 2008

Triple Sand Filters Shipped and Installed Treat Sized for Peak Flow of 1000 gpm

It has been a very, very busy couple of months at Res-Kem. Systems of all sizes have been designed, built, shipped, and installed for industrial, municipal, commercial and residential customers throughout the US. As a recent example, on November 20 we shipped a triple sand filter to a customer on the California/Arizona border.

Res-Kem Corp Triple Sand Filter leaving plant in Aston, PA on November 20, 2008
With precise drawings by Res-Kem engineers, accurate assembly by Res-Kem pipefitters, and excellent coordination with the site water and wastewater contractor, the sand filters were rapidly installed and commissioned by December 8, 2008! Please note, there was shipping time of 3 days and a Thanksgiving holiday in between!

Res-Kem Corp Triple Sand Filter installed at site on California/Arizona border showing 823,000 gallon reservoir tank on December 8, 2008

The triple 84-inch diameter sand filtration system is sized to treat a peak flow of 1000 gpm. The sand filters are used to treat all of the potable water going to an 823,000 gallon reservoir tank after chlorination. Most of the storage capacity is for fire water requirements.

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